Level 78
to level 79 |
Glen CarrAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. PGA with avesano for a couple days now. Usually one sits in, the other follows two players later.
Kerberus on Thursday January 12, 2017 things that he can do for a fistful of points... unfair player.
Alperen Kalay on Wednesday January 11, 2017
STABER... evry game stab !!!! BAD PLAYER !!!!
State of Heroes on Friday November 25, 2016 pga with alex_sfb
antiochus_megas on Saturday October 1, 2016 Good player!
fgfx on Friday August 5, 2016 liar
kamikaze Mike on Tuesday July 12, 2016 note to myself: do not trust
dr.rd on Friday May 20, 2016 This time it's both me and donnie
Lalita Lani on Saturday April 23, 2016 pga with matchboxmatt
PlayKD on Saturday April 2, 2016 with 3 weak lands, and seeing bklue backstabbing i let him alive to kill blue first, he stacked full, and he jpoined blue, unfair and dirty player
celta on Sunday March 13, 2016 |