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Same IP as "johnmuir" but played in several games together. Hence, appears to be a shared account. PERMABAN, unless mitigating evidence is presented to the contrary. -play Bone-Roller 8:43 PM, Sunday September 26, 2010 EDT
PGA/Hate Speech warning posted. +chat +play +post Bone-Roller 4:17 PM, Wednesday September 15, 2010 EDT
Racism and PGA are a bad mix; clean up your act or you will be banned and muted. -chat -play -post Bone-Roller 4:17 PM, Wednesday September 15, 2010 EDT

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2010-09-28 By the way, the Kdice "tarkovksy" does not distract us, of course, from our interest in the brilliant film director Andrei Tarkovsky. 'Andrei Rublev' is easily one of the greatest films of all time; much more knowledgeable people than I make the same claim about several of his films. Ironic that our benighted Kdice "tarkovsky" chose to use the name of a man who wrote: "It is so much easier to slip down than it is to rise one iota above your own narrow, opportunist motives.... [N]obody wants, or can bring himself, to look soberly into himself and accept that he is accountable for his own life and his own soul.... I am convinced that any attempt to restore harmony in the world can only rest on the renewal of personal responsibility." To that, Kdice "tarkovsky" would search deep within his soul and say, "Shut your whore mouth" [see below]. ++++++++++ 2010-09-26 "Same IP as 'johnmuir' but played in several games together. Hence, appears to be a shared account. PERMABAN, unless mitigating evidence is presented to the contrary." Not surprising. Cheaters cheat in one way and find it nearly impossible not to cheat in other ways. Tarkovsky will react with web boy sour grapes, no doubt, "Kdice is just a stupid internet game. It is meaningless." What he doesn't get is that it is in the LEAST significant situations that we truly reveal ourselves. Tarkovsky thought, "It means nothing if I cheat here," when he should have been thinking, "It is wrong to cheat." ++++++++++ 2010-09-26 TARKOVSKY SPEAKS! ----------oakcliff: is that right everybody? you prefer the pga-er Tarkovsky win the day?----------Tarkovsky: I'm not pga with anybody here----------oakcliff: not at this moment perhaps----------oakcliff: when it is convenient for you, then you pga----------Tarkovsky: No, when I'm hanging out with my friends, I'm pga----------Tarkovsky: Because it's fun----------oakcliff: fun to break the rules?----------Tarkovsky: OH NO----------Tarkovsky: THE SACRED RULES OF KDICE----------oakcliff: you don't believe in following the rules of kdice when playing kdice?----------Tarkovsky: I believe in playing kdice to have fun----------Tarkovsky: And playing with my friends is fun----------oakcliff: and pga is fun--as you said?----------Tarkovsky: Indeed..........Tarkovsky: I'm pga, get over it----------Tarkovsky: Kdice is a minor distraction----------Tarkovsky: Not my main source of entertainment----------oakcliff: minor enough to cheat at?----------Tarkovsky: Yes .......... Tarkovsky: I didn't say I was honorable----------oakcliff: i didn't say you did----------Tarkovsky: Because I also don't think you can be honorable in kdice..........Tarkovsky: Because kdice means nothing----------Tarkovsky: Honor is something significant----------Tarkovsky: Kdice is insignificant----------Tarkovsky: Morality is relative ++++++++++ 2010-09-26 Tarkovsky changed his review of me to... "Do you have Asperger Syndrome?" Such big words for little web boy. ++++++++++ 2010-09-25 Tarkovsky's review of me..... "Snide, pseudo-intellectual prick. Very rude, indeed." ++++++++++ 2010-09-25 TARKOVSKY SPEAKS! Tarkovsky: You snide, pseudo-intellectual piece of shit----------Tarkovsky: Shut your whore mouth----------Tarkovsky: Nigga, you don't even know shit about Tarkovsky----------johnmuir: oakcliff, you're a rude motherfucker----------oakcliff: anything else, boys?----------Tarkovsky: Yes----------oakcliff: are you done?----------Tarkovsky: Suck my black cock----------Tarkovsky: Fuckin' racist----------oakcliff: does your mother know you talk like this?----------Tarkovsky: Hitler-worshipping piece of shit----------Tarkovsky: My mother is dead----------oakcliff: doubtful----------Tarkovsky: She was killed by bitch ass crackas like you----------Tarkovsky: Oh yeah I forgot----------Tarkovsky: You're a retard----------Tarkovsky: Bitch where you live? ++++++++++ Tarkovsky, having been punished before by Kdice moderators, is obviously still putting out "gay," "bitch," "nigga," etc. Still a web boy. If you act like a web boy, Tarkovsky, don't complain when someone calls you a web boy. (Tarkovsky was a great artist, and I don't call many film directors even "artist." You don't deserve to borrow his name.)
oakcliff on Tuesday September 28, 2010
I am afraid that the "we go to the same college and therefore have the same IP" argument does not fly. While two players with the same IP can be logged into the site at the same time, they cannot sit at the same table at the same time. You and johnmuir sat at the same table several times, which means that you didn't have the same IP. But when I checked, your IP was the same. Therefore, the ban stays.
Bone-Roller on Monday September 27, 2010
Crap-Stacker on Monday September 27, 2010
defended me from racial slurs. a real gentleman and a nice fellow.
johnmuir on Wednesday September 22, 2010
he is a stupid nigger. kos
augustwilson on Tuesday September 21, 2010
called me a nigger. I'm not even sure why.
metastastic on Monday September 20, 2010
I am not a crook.
Tarkovsky on Thursday September 16, 2010
um not really sure what i can say about him he does say the "n" word and um i havnt seen him pga so seems nice so far except language. also hope he sees this it will be HILARIOUS
Sheogorath on Wednesday September 15, 2010
he's still up to it. asshole.
timquick on Wednesday September 15, 2010
DonZilla on Tuesday September 14, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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