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Oranca Jax

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IamFAIR on Monday November 14, 2011
fucking noob and backstab
Przemek Duda on Friday November 11, 2011
Oranca Jax is a great player!! and stfu r0n you're a fag who no one likes.
Ampyxx on Friday October 14, 2011
fair player with a sense for honour!
losemaker on Friday October 14, 2011
massive pussy
r0n on Thursday October 6, 2011
I went thru _invictus_ to fight Neff9. I never flagged Neff9 and wanted to fight him. I offered to roll off with Neff0 but _invictus_ told me to sit out. I would not.
Oranca Jax on Tuesday August 23, 2011
Never trust this backstabbing loser.
Neff9 on Tuesday August 23, 2011
never trust him when he flagged me then he backstabed me u is my firist realy PGE i lost 700 + point for you.
_invictus_ on Tuesday August 23, 2011
Backstabber, does not honor his flag. Very bad player.
mar101 on Wednesday August 17, 2011
very nice, good and fair player
flag under me on Wednesday August 17, 2011
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