Level 11
to level 12

Gott Chris

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This player has been modded by the community

Despite being warned, continued blatant PGA with Laurrra. Banned for 1 month. -changeAvatar -chat -play -post Bone-Roller 1:11 PM, Monday August 9, 2010 EDT

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PGA with Johannes Miller and Talentrei x3
UnlceSlappy on Sunday August 1, 2010
PGA with Johannes Miller, extremely nasty and ignore others flag on purpose
fmc83 on Sunday August 1, 2010
PGA with Johannes Miller, extremely nasty and ignore others flag on purpose
Bodon Wilson on Sunday August 1, 2010
PGA with Johannes Miller, extremely nasty and ignore others flag on purpose
billyswong on Sunday August 1, 2010
doesnt talk, a 50tbl dom farmer, kill him on sight
gen. sherman on Sunday August 1, 2010
nice player...
Johannes Miller on Sunday August 1, 2010
good gamer, and nice teamplayer =)
Talentrei x3 on Sunday August 1, 2010
ignores flag and PGA with Johannes Miller
Souper Hero on Friday July 30, 2010
Apparently ignores flags. Only enough chatting in my game to confirm that they do in fact speak English. Could just be a new player and unaware...
4saken on Friday July 30, 2010
unfair player
shkurka on Friday July 30, 2010
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