Level 52
to level 53


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thanks for reminding me +chat jurgen 7:58 AM, Saturday November 9, 2013 EST
chat spamming, let's not do that anymore, OK buddy? -chat jurgen 3:17 AM, Tuesday March 22, 2011 EDT

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Small whining kiddie, can't accept a fair loose
Abstoiber on Friday January 14, 2011
nice player
Indy_Jonesy on Friday January 14, 2011
A real idiot. Accused me of backstabbing, lied to everyone saying that I flagged him and got them all whining against me.
OneJoelFifty on Friday January 14, 2011
good player
aplan4you on Friday January 14, 2011
pga players!!
bivo on Friday January 14, 2011
didnt stab when i allowed to fight
TheAngryBeaver on Thursday January 13, 2011
Hates women, see the reviews!! fun watching him get angry when you beat him!
alecto on Wednesday January 12, 2011
honorable player. thank you
Wayne_Kerr on Tuesday January 11, 2011
Stood up for what was right when another player was wronged. Plays fair
pagram on Tuesday January 11, 2011
whats wrong with u that u have to abuse everyone else ?! ;(
slyner on Thursday January 6, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary