Level 32
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Ryan Siver

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A fair player, respects flags.
mattsav on Sunday January 16, 2011
some fag's alt writing false reviews. pathetic.
OviloN on Tuesday December 21, 2010
2010-12-19 Sazza34 wrote: "Talks complete shit, kill first, he's a cunt." Web boy speak, of course. ++++++++++ 2010-12-19 Sazza34 speaks! And watch for the BEST OF SAZZA34 as noted by the ####################. Below is the chat with Sazza34 and my parts unedited but with extraneous, game related chat taken out to make it easier to follow. [I am red, Sazza34 is purple, Ryan Siver is teal] ......................... Sazza34: flag ryan ......................... Ryan Siver: ok ty ......................... Sazza34: going for 2nd ......................... Sazza34: great ......................... Sazza34: im blocked in ......................... Sazza34: ;o) ......................... Ryan Siver: nah your not ......................... oakcliff: flag yellow--going for 2nd [I flag to the 4th player who has a chance, with luck, against Ryan Siver who is in 1st] ......................... Sazza34: er ......................... Ryan Siver: you get to build while be mean in tha back of red lol ......................... oakcliff: might as well make it interesting ......................... Sazza34: teals kinda first you idiot ['idiot' refers to me, oakcliff] ......................... dottir: ok ......................... oakcliff: unless yellow beats him--idiot ......................... Sazza34: which wont happen ......................... oakcliff: okay ......................... Sazza34: teal can cut him ......................... oakcliff: so let's all quit ......................... oakcliff: you first purple ......................... Sazza34: you first you sarcastic bastard ......................... oakcliff: your rudeness becomes you, purple ......................... oakcliff: web boy ......................... oakcliff: chat jerk ......................... Sazza34: that makes no sense ......................... oakcliff: don't sweat it ......................... oakcliff: lots of stuff is over your head ......................... Sazza34: well we can tell your a 3rdie, now shut up ['3rdie' is apparently an insult to people from 'third world countries' in Sazza34's febrile mind] ......................... #################### Sazza34: your dads cum is over your head you imbred cunt ......................... oakcliff: as expected [I just knew he was a web boy, and he proved it right there.] ......................... Sazza34: flags up ......................... Ryan Siver: yellow flag now and get third ......................... Sazza34: wallis and furtuna, where the hell is that????????? ......................... oakcliff: anything else purple? ......................... oakcliff: got anything? ......................... oakcliff: no? ......................... oakcliff: that's it ......................... oakcliff: ? ......................... oakcliff: pathetic ......................... Sazza34: Wallis and Futuna ......................... Sazza34: where the fucking hell is that ......................... oakcliff: poor purple--doomed to wonder all day long ......................... oakcliff: what is that? he says ......................... Sazza34: no ......................... oakcliff: what is THAT? he says ......................... Sazza34: i said where ......................... oakcliff: fat and stupid is no way to go through life, purple ......................... Sazza34: lol? ......................... oakcliff: become civilized ......................... oakcliff: learn politeness ......................... oakcliff: we will welcome you ......................... Ryan Siver: like you red ......................... oakcliff: into the world of adults ......................... Sazza34: CIVILIZED hahahaha thats why you come from a 3rdie country haha ......................... oakcliff: and honorable men ......................... Sazza34: 3rdie ......................... Sazza34: 3rdie ......................... Sazza34: 3rdie ......................... oakcliff: pathetic web boy ......................... Sazza34: gg ......................... [the next game on the same table begins] ......................... Sazza34 is here ......................... Sazza34: hello again [Sazza34 is saying hello to Ryan Siver.] ......................... Ryan Siver: hey a couple more games like that would be nice ......................... #################### Sazza34: what a pathetic twat in the last game lol [referring to me, oakcliff] ......................... Ryan Siver: aye [agreeing with Sazza34?] ......................... Sazza34: he says civilised, but i dont even know where his country is. ......................... oakcliff: brilliant, purple ......................... oakcliff: web boy ......................... Sazza34: hahaa ......................... Sazza34: so, hows your little country that no one has heard of ......................... oakcliff: you really don't have much do you? ......................... oakcliff: pathetic ......................... Sazza34: i bet its 'civilised' ......................... oakcliff: anything else? ......................... Sazza34: had any civil wars? ......................... oakcliff: your quiver empty now? ......................... Sazza34: hardly a civilized place ......................... #################### Sazza34: now get that dick out of your arse and go an earn a living ......................... Ryan Siver: actually its a island in the south pacific near fiji ......................... oakcliff: at least patrick is kind and generous and polite--you just share the low IQ part, purple [Patrick, from SpongeBob SquarePants, is Sazza34's avatar at the moment.] ......................... Sazza34: you can afford sattelite television? ......................... Sazza34: wow ......................... Sazza34: you impress me ......................... oakcliff: you are easily impressed ......................... Sazza34: totally ......................... oakcliff: patrick-like ......................... Sazza34: anything else, 3rdieboy? ......................... oakcliff: the anonymity of the internet brings out the worst in you... ......................... oakcliff: i HOPE it is the worst ......................... oakcliff: i would hate to think it is the best ......................... oakcliff: wow ......................... oakcliff: that would be sad ......................... Sazza34: are you a priest by any chance? ......................... Ryan Siver: so oakcliff which island you live on?part of the island [Ryan Siver is trying hard to reach the low level of his buddy.] ......................... oakcliff: this is purple at his best, folks ......................... oakcliff: can't rise above "web boy" status ......................... Sazza34: answer me, are you a priest? ......................... oakcliff: "chat jerk" is his highest calling ......................... Sazza34: been touching choir boys have you? ......................... oakcliff: never heard of honor, wisdom, politeness, kindness ......................... Sazza34: lol im very kind thank you ......................... oakcliff: sex on his mind above all except video games ......................... oakcliff: uses "lol" and "arse" a lot ......................... oakcliff: web boy ......................... oakcliff: uses "gay" as an epithet ......................... dottir: flag jumka ......................... oakcliff: you look up "web boy" and there is a picture of Sazza34 ......................... Ryan Siver: me too? ......................... Sazza34: hehe, oakcliff uses the word, web boy a lot, so this obviously points out that he is part of a paedophile forum. ......................... Ryan Siver has left [Perhaps even Ryan Siver couldn't take any more of his buddy, Sazza34.] ......................... oakcliff: see? the immature reference to things sexual? web boy ......................... oakcliff: purple, do you "lol" a lot? ......................... oakcliff: "rolf" a lot? ......................... Sweet Kisses: no noob ha ha ......................... oakcliff: poor purple ......................... Sazza34: kill yellow and i'll flag out ......................... oakcliff: limited mind, limited vocabulary, limited maturity ......................... oakcliff: shrunken sense of honor, wisdom, and justice ......................... Sazza34: flags up ......................... Sazza34: stop preaching on the internet and earn a living ......................... oakcliff: poor, pathetic purple ......................... Sazza34: im not 'poor' thank you very much ......................... oakcliff: sazza34 knows nothing of justice, wisdom, honor, goodness, kindness... ......................... oakcliff: poor soul ......................... Sazza34: thats why i donate to charity regularly// ......................... oakcliff: shrunken to a grain ......................... Sazza34: no sense of kindness.. ......................... oakcliff: the anonymity reveals his real self ......................... Sazza34: indeed ......................... oakcliff: he loves letting his id run wild ......................... Sazza34: indeed ......................... Sazza34: im just going to agree with you.. ......................... oakcliff: what choice do you have? ......................... oakcliff: all reasonable men see it ......................... Sazza34: what youve said is completely true.. ......................... oakcliff: no reasonable man could deny it ......................... Sazza34: (end sarcasm) ......................... oakcliff: we are compelled to call you what you are, sazza34, a web boy ......................... Sazza34: go touch some choir boys, priest ......................... oakcliff: your behavior forces this on us ......................... Sazza34: forces what. ......................... oakcliff: honorable, reasonable men cannot stand by while jerks ruin perfectly fine institutions ......................... Sazza34: your preaching ......................... Sazza34: haha ......................... Sazza34: you wouldnt know anything about institusions, you live on a small island ......................... oakcliff: preaching not to you--you are past saving ......................... #################### Sazza34: your probably black too... ......................... oakcliff: preaching so that others know that jerks don't rule ......................... #################### Sazza34: ok seeya nigger, im off ......................... oakcliff: sazza34 is a sad exception ......................... Sazza34 has left ......................... oakcliff: take heart reasonable men--sazza34 has left ......................... +++++++++++++++ We honorable, civilized, just, wise men need not fear or put up with the likes of Sazza34. He is less than nothing. If he changes course, learns politeness, learns civilized behavior, and matures, we will welcome him with open arms.
oakcliff on Monday December 20, 2010
lol Ryan Siver you have becomm the first place and i the second !!! only writing negative messages
andy143 on Friday December 17, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary