Level 52
to level 53

Lulu Berlu

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See this clown? He thought it was cool to take all the gray lands while I was in first. When I called him on it (and started to take some of my DOM back), he announced a REVOLT ... and lost. And now he is mad. But it is he who is the assholes.
AngerIssues on Wednesday January 25, 2012
good player, respect
PeterSSon on Thursday January 5, 2012
Paranoid player who think everybody will stab him and because of that will attack you even when you flagged
dottir on Sunday November 20, 2011
really good nice player, his manners are spot on and his understanding of the game and its rules is impressive. Pleasant to play in the same table as him
Giulio S on Sunday November 20, 2011
One of the very good guys, a pleasure to play against
uber_meister on Wednesday November 9, 2011
Just ruins others games and leaves
Jinks on Wednesday October 5, 2011
If the other players have flagged 3rd, and you have a flag up for 2nd, then you will be 2nd. Let them fight 3rd/4th. How many times do you need telling?!
SticksStones on Thursday July 7, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary