Level 81
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another asshole
ilan13 on Thursday February 17, 2011
calling ppl idiots won't get u far....trust me; my main has done it and so what...DEAL WITH IT nuff said...and btw does that mean you to be killed as well??
Hired Hitman on Tuesday February 15, 2011
lol u are such a moron that u cant write ur own thinkings and copy and paste other players comment about u loser
sukur on Friday February 11, 2011
Unstrustworthy scumbag
tomtomtom2007 on Thursday February 10, 2011
said my 3rd is sure and he play 2-4. then the guy flaged 3rd and dirty say he have 3rd sure and i get 4th. i fought him and he said "i pge you now" what an idiot.
Maser on Friday February 4, 2011
megaprosper on Monday January 31, 2011
pga with azub 1/30/11
Mr Grendler on Sunday January 30, 2011
one of the bigger kdice ass*oles
michl on Tuesday January 25, 2011
really unfair player not respecting flaggs
MsCat on Monday January 24, 2011
pga with Zipl0c
JAwesome on Sunday January 23, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary