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Lol@dirtyidiot he make the game so funny
dicebomb on Friday February 15, 2013
Pga Burcin
Gnací on Saturday February 9, 2013
Yeah, just a wanker really.
Oliversdad on Monday February 4, 2013
plays with pga everygame. some of his partners is A11A,
Henrik on Monday February 4, 2013
dont know who is the big boss here (admin), but this shoud be banned or something if u honored the game. he throw his dick for pussys to suck it. and they do it well. its still a fckin game, but after this game i lost my mood to play. spamming, insulting everyone. so why is this reviews?
vicsek on Sunday February 3, 2013
Don't trust him. Flag means nothing to this douche!
mrchips1 on Saturday February 2, 2013
a prick
t1n on Saturday February 2, 2013
crying child, enjoyed killing you 2 times. i hope you didnt rage quit your life
BashTime on Sunday January 27, 2013
wow dirty u can copy paste reviews... good job!
Akurat on Thursday January 24, 2013
love you dirty rolls and you're copy and pasting of comments left about you two days earlier
zin8 on Thursday January 24, 2013
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary