Level 81
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backstabber!! dont trust him
pga with green on Tuesday May 1, 2012
farmer, backstabber, he is shit
fonzkopp on Monday April 30, 2012
unfair player who can't play alone. crying for help instead
sebaj on Sunday April 29, 2012
400 reviews of "he backstabbed me!" means something. Dont respect flags and backstab
LeeviYT on Friday April 27, 2012
400 reviews of "he backstabbed me!" means something
eurasianbro on Friday April 27, 2012
Farmer and cheater. No respect for flags.
chipati on Friday April 27, 2012
many point but total dumb dont trust him allways looking for partner to counter first place
laphaz on Friday April 27, 2012
accept flags and attack. many points, but low fair play
spiga on Thursday April 26, 2012
Bitch thinks flags are trucing! Incited everyone else to rise against myself and the player I flagged. Watch out...he doesn't like people who are above him! Little man has Napoleon Complex.
JesseRDH on Thursday April 26, 2012
Tried to ruin my game and failed. A real failure of a man. LOL
JUG HEAD on Thursday April 26, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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