Level 81
to level 82 |
dirtyrollsAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. big dick...
Duonciks Gustys on Sunday September 2, 2012 PGA player, backstabber!!!! fuckin retard!! kill on sight!!PGA player, backstabber!!!! fuckin retard!! kill on sight!!PGA player, backstabber!!!! fuckin retard!! kill on sight!!PGA player, backstabber!!!! fuckin retard!! kill on sight!!PGA player, backstabber!!!! fuckin retard!! kill on sight!!PGA player, backstabber!!!! fuckin retard!! kill on sight!!PGA player, backstabber!!!! fuckin retard!! kill on sight!!PGA player, backstabber!!!! fuckin retard!! kill on sight!!PGA player, backstabber!!!! fuckin retard!! kill on sight!!PGA player, backstabber!!!! fuckin retard!! kill on sight!!PGA player, backstabber!!!! fuckin retard!! kill on sight!!PGA player, backstabber!!!! fuckin retard!! kill on sight!!PGA player, backstabber!!!! fuckin retard!! kill on sight!!PGA player, backstabber!!!! fuckin retard!! kill on sight!!PGA player, backstabber!!!! fuckin retard!! kill on sight!!PGA player, backstabber!!!! fuckin retard!! kill on sight!!PGA player, backstabber!!!! fuckin retard!! kill on sight!!PGA player, backstabber!!!! fuckin retard!! kill on sight!!
PGA with Blue on Monday August 27, 2012 This guy is just a twerp, so much so it almost makes you feel bad. I know he has no life outside of Kdice, as nobody in the real world would even interact with somebody who is that much of a douchebag.
RMloxly on Sunday August 26, 2012 doesnt accept flags
MarquisDaniels on Sunday August 26, 2012 honourable and nice player
burcin on Sunday August 26, 2012 player with a lot of skill and if you can ignore his insults, you can have fun with him
Held_SaSo on Friday August 24, 2012 I will never understand why someone this skilled is so consistently a gigantic cock. Don't trust. Ever.
Impeach_bush on Monday August 13, 2012 very honourable
limeylimey on Sunday August 12, 2012 Was nice & solid when I played against the guy
GodAlmighty on Wednesday August 8, 2012 farmer! dont respect flags
-=JIM=- on Monday July 30, 2012 |