![]() Level 35
to level 36 |
Patrick MurrayAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. A complete asshole.
Gandemos on Tuesday July 9, 2013 good player
bobbidothechef on Wednesday December 12, 2012 doenst respect flags this jerk
SalinhoOo on Tuesday December 4, 2012 Retarded Cunt. Needs to go level some IQ.
hoboko on Monday November 12, 2012 poor noob. backstabbing piéce of shit. NEVER TRUST THIS NOOB: idiot
Fieselfink on Monday October 15, 2012 bitchass muthafuka
TimmyMcfee on Thursday September 6, 2012 just a poor nob. dont badmouth him. he doesnt know it better. poor kiddie
Rasenheizung on Friday October 1, 2010 I flagged this moron to fight for 2nd and he pga's with grumpfish....and never attacks him but does not let us fight for 2nd...instead takes out someone twice grumpfishes size.....pga....
CatCrusher on Tuesday August 24, 2010 A real jerkoff.
ThatLuckyGuy on Saturday August 21, 2010 flags, asks the 1st to go through 4 areas, and quickly attacks whilst *not* waiting for the answer
xplorer on Wednesday August 11, 2010 |