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K-man flag and then started attacking but im the stabber?
Jpow22 on Wednesday January 19, 2011
i flagged him... then he stabs... so i say let me reconnect...and he stabs again... so i attack back... and im the stabber?? fucking noob doesnt know how to play the game
K-Man on Wednesday January 19, 2011
has no clue
Oxymoron on Sunday January 9, 2011
total moron
MaxWanted on Sunday January 9, 2011
attackes players who´s flags he has accepted. Total idiot.
gudmus78 on Thursday January 6, 2011
hes gay like no other he like suck all dicks
DAMARA77 on Thursday January 6, 2011
this retarded bitch have one land and he decide to ruin my fight for first by cutting me in half with that one shitty stack, and when i flag for second cause of his cut he suddenly decide to flag to me and roll for 4, and got upset cause i didnt accept his flag, grow up fucking moron, you just ruined my game and you known that you cant get anything of that, if you didnt know it you are retarded then.
Fatman_x on Wednesday September 8, 2010
Massive PGA'er I saw him 3 v 1 some1 I wanted to help, then joined them, then he 2 v 1s me after i help lol..
Yatre on Wednesday September 8, 2010
doesnt respect his flags
Serpen on Tuesday September 7, 2010
holy shit, what a whiny bitch. Goes for 1/3, has some bad luck than flags like a coward and expects 2nd.
Osiris4 on Monday August 30, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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