Level 82
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Fart gargling gnu strangler with herpes, crabs, genital warts and a fungal infection in his urinary tract. His penis is so microscopic he has to piss out of his arse.
jfcxncgn on Tuesday August 12, 2014
2014-08-09 Beach_Bum_13 is a Level 62 chat jerk and kdice jerk with ten (10) trophies playing on the 0 tables. All chat below is verbatim as it always is. Beach_Bum_13 is blue in both games. ++++++++++ [Note: Paraphrasing the beginning of the chat... ---------- BB13: do you know me yellow? ---------- Urbi: i don't think so, why? ---------- BB13: i figured it was something personal given how dumb that move was ---------- Urbi: ah, you are a typical "trophy" guy] ---------- Urbi et Orbi: the odds were that you would be... ---------- drew022: ty teal ---------- Urbi et Orbi: but to show it like that, blue ---------- Urbi et Orbi: wow ---------- Beach_Bum_13: no, i'm one of those, take the 5 with the 8 as opposed to the 8 with the 8 for the connect guys ---------- Beach_Bum_13: but i know, math is hard ---------- Urbi et Orbi: no, you are one of those trophy guys who think we owe you something ---------- Urbi et Orbi: you deign to play on the 0 tables, so we OWE you, right? ---------- drew022: you never gave him his lunch money ---------- Urbi et Orbi: you have trophies, for God's sake! ---------- Urbi et Orbi: everyone stop and listen to blue! now! ---------- Beach_Bum_13: well, i always hope for opponents who are not dumbasses ---------- Urbi et Orbi: no, you always hope for truces--it is all you know ---------- Urbi et Orbi: that is why you have trophies ---------- drew022: flag up teal ---------- Urbi et Orbi: AND you have no imagination ---------- drew022: ty ---------- Urbi et Orbi: all you know besides truces.. ---------- Urbi et Orbi: is points ---------- Beach_Bum_13: flag 3 ---------- drew022: gg ---------- Davin: gg ---------- Beach_Bum_13 has left ---------- Urbi et Orbi: points and trophies block your view of the world ---------- Urbi et Orbi: no imagination--pathetic really ---------- Urbi et Orbi is here ---------- Urbi et Orbi: now we can make it personal, blue ---------- Urbi et Orbi: PGE okay with you? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: yes? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: good ---------- Beach_Bum_13: a pge with a dumbass is always fine with me, u do most of the work ---------- Beach_Bum_13: :) ---------- Urbi et Orbi: that is the kind of thing you know best--truce ---------- Urbi et Orbi: how to truce, spoken and unspoken ---------- Urbi et Orbi: also, i enjoyed your whining and crying in the last game, blue ---------- Urbi et Orbi: how could anyone dare attack you! ---------- kz0: ... ---------- Urbi et Orbi: you have trophies! ---------- Urbi et Orbi: many of them! ---------- Urbi et Orbi: how dare anyone ---------- kz0: shut up ---------- Urbi et Orbi: how many trophies you got there, blue? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: six? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: mute me, yellow ---------- Urbi et Orbi: blue, is more clever than anyone would have guessed! ---------- Urbi et Orbi: he is keeping quiet! ---------- Urbi et Orbi: very wise, blue ---------- Urbi et Orbi: very wise ---------- Beach_Bum_13: respect for the others ---------- Beach_Bum_13: they dont care about our last game ---------- Urbi et Orbi: they don't know that you ruin the game for all ---------- of us by bringing your spoken and unspoken truces to the 0 tables? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i would call that disrespect for others, blue ---------- Urbi et Orbi: you ruin their fun ---------- Urbi et Orbi: all so you can get more points and more trophies ---------- Urbi et Orbi: keep that crap on the higher tables, blue ---------- Beach_Bum_13: u mad bro? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: not at all, you are just another kdice jerk, blue ---------- Urbi et Orbi: we will ALWAYS have jerks like you around ---------- Urbi et Orbi: you are one of the 3% ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i stand up for the 97% of us who are NOT kdice jerks like you ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i promote a better way of playing than YOUR kind that ruins the fun for all the rest ---------- Urbi et Orbi: so, no, i am not mad "bro" ---------- Beach_Bum_13: u sound mad, bro ---------- Urbi et Orbi: ah, you have a tin ear ---------- Urbi et Orbi: that goes with your shriveled soul ---------- Urbi et Orbi: and your six trophies ---------- Urbi et Orbi: SO proud you are of those trophies ---------- Urbi et Orbi: SO proud! ---------- Urbi et Orbi: you polish them a lot, don't you blue? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: you a clever not to joust with me too much, blue ---------- Beach_Bum_13: just watching u get cut ---------- Urbi et Orbi: the less you say, the less you show off your lack of intelligence--and that is smart ---------- Urbi et Orbi: cut? who cares? you care? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i don't care about points at all ---------- Urbi et Orbi: YOU do ---------- Urbi et Orbi: and your precious trophies ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i got my PGE win ---------- Urbi et Orbi: that is all i cared about ---------- Urbi et Orbi: you won't be 1st or 2nd ---------- Urbi et Orbi: we had our dance--that was all this game was about for me ---------- Beach_Bum_13: u r SUCH a girl ########## ---------- Urbi et Orbi: ah, you are a chat jerk AND a kdice jerk ---------- Urbi et Orbi: of course ---------- Urbi et Orbi: chat jerks like you, blue, eventually make some comment like that ---------- Urbi et Orbi: you have no other frame of reference but the inanity of chat ---------- Urbi et Orbi: read a book once in your life, blue ---------- Urbi et Orbi: at least one book ---------- Beach_Bum_13: only a girl couls type so much, and say so little ---------- Urbi et Orbi: pursue wisdom and truth and justice and honor ---------- Urbi et Orbi: we cannot achieve those goals but we must pursue them ---------- Urbi et Orbi: calling me a girl is your attempt at an insult, right? ---------- Beach_Bum_13: simply naming the thing what it is ---------- Urbi et Orbi: speak up, blue--fill the chat with your wisdom ---------- Urbi et Orbi: meh ---------- Urbi et Orbi: blue finishes like a little fart ---------- Aeolus: flag yellow ---------- kz0: k ---------- Urbi et Orbi: BB doesn't have enough intellectual points to sit at my chat table
Urbi et Orbi on Saturday August 9, 2014
Spiteful, don't hit him in round 1... ever. ;p
farq on Tuesday July 15, 2014
pga with Trashmonkey
Chargersfan420 on Sunday June 22, 2014
dont trust his flag !
raist26 on Saturday June 21, 2014
Sore loser. Whines a lot.
gtalum on Friday May 30, 2014
Amoos on Saturday May 24, 2014
spanky6 on Saturday May 17, 2014
I dont get you.
vuk on Tuesday May 13, 2014
do not poke the 13 old sisy girl, cause he will cry!
Loser_krez on Sunday April 20, 2014
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary