Level 78
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good player ;) trust
leliukazzz on Tuesday November 9, 2010 Fair Player. Great Counter-Truce! ;))
Schorle88 on Thursday September 2, 2010 OMG what a PUSSSSYYY lol :DD
Fraghunter on Thursday September 2, 2010 thnx for saving me a round in the tournament.
Nemmefes on Friday August 20, 2010 Very good sport. Played extremely well, but I had the luck. VGG.
xigg on Monday August 16, 2010 Good player and respectful. Refused to 2 v 1 even though it would have been to his advantage.
WillyWanka on Saturday August 14, 2010 can only do so much at one time
pooch723 on Friday August 13, 2010 a sore winner... funny but true... can win a game and still be pissed off... his skills are limited to overwhelming predominance, else he could barely beat weaker players... (no, just kidding).. to think: the true skill of this game is to make the most of the least and not vice versa, so i had my fun by making the 'big' guy angry and cutting repeatedly - suggesting me to go back to zero= tabes was possibly meant quite insulting, though i don`t mind playing there... so enjoy your point whoreing upstairs, I will enjoy good gameplay on the beginners' tables instead
mar101 on Sunday August 8, 2010 good player
Paelzeur on Sunday August 8, 2010 I am at the table and this guy won't shut up about giving bj's. It's pretty disgusting actually, here is some of the convo....
PRESIDENT: If anyone needs a super good bj w/ extras, don't hesitate to let me know...for sure.
jeep123 on Thursday June 24, 2010 |