Level 41
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Pokemon Trainer on Wednesday January 2, 2013
koki1212 on Monday October 15, 2012
Honorable player. :) Honors flags.
BriaT on Sunday January 15, 2012
pga with Luke Cole
Az_Balu on Tuesday January 3, 2012
hahahaha, i love these reviews, keep em coming sore losers :)
Riamu on Friday December 16, 2011
queerer: nice teal Riamu: thanks coke face is here coke face has left Drully0815 has left Serkan Alyanak has left The_Gel: teal and brown are pga Riamu: uhh. Riamu: yeah sure The_Gel: i knew it queerer: i dont have to attack everybody floppi: mother*uckers Riamu: i havent felt brown has been in my way this game and i havent had to attack them The_Gel: yes yes The_Gel: nice story floppi: because you are PGA IDIOT Riamu: i know right? floppi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bqxnm6t3QMw queerer: we are not pga Riamu: hey green i'm not for a 2 on 1 normally but you have quite a sour mouth queerer: we did a silent truce maybe queerer: just fyi Riamu: flags up brown, nice win queerer: thx teal floppi: schwuchtels The_Gel: nice pga The_Gel: how often does it works? queerer: nice paranoia The_Gel: cut teal, broen The_Gel: brown queerer: check our games idiot floppi: you mean their pga or their homosex queerer: to see our pga lol Riamu: well, if you knew how to play the game with better precision you wouldn't have to moan at players calling them pga, that's if you knew how to play better.... of course :) queerer: )
The_Gel on Friday December 16, 2011
pga with his mother
floppi on Friday December 16, 2011
pga with luke cole
longray on Wednesday December 14, 2011
not really smart
MacCoy on Thursday November 3, 2011
An excellent player, much respect!
Big Jumblies on Thursday November 3, 2011
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