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Replies 1 - 9 of 9
WERTY05 wrote
at 12:20 AM, Sunday July 25, 2010 EDT
Beowulf10 wrote
at 10:58 PM, Sunday July 11, 2010 EDT
No sorry friend!
Beowulf10 wrote
at 12:30 AM, Thursday July 8, 2010 EDT
Company of Heroes, COD 4, you?!
Beowulf10 wrote
at 11:16 AM, Wednesday July 7, 2010 EDT
Good mate to play with, you'll wish you would of flagged to him early ;)
WERTY05 wrote
at 9:44 AM, Tuesday July 6, 2010 EDT
Simmo3k: brown, you need to connect at the bottom, surely?

Simmo3k: theyre not linked

Simmo3k: ...

dusko: got bigger worries sorry

Simmo3k: world peace?

WERTY05: lol

Pepitocon: haha

dusko: hemmoroids

Simmo3k: nice spelling

WERTY05: rofl

zawodowy_wariat: lol

Pepitocon: LOL

dusko: haha
WERTY05 wrote
at 4:08 AM, Friday June 25, 2010 EDT
Darius1: so roll of purp and red

daisychain: roll off? im much stronger

Ultra-Humanite: but my dicks bigger

daisychain: lol


WERTY05: bigger dick wins!

Darius1: lol
WERTY05 wrote
at 6:19 AM, Thursday June 10, 2010 EDT
1. You're reading my comment
2. Now you're saying/thinking that's a stupid fact.
4. You didn't notice that I skipped 3.
5. Your checking it now.
6. Your smiling.
7. Your still reading my comment.
8. You know all you have read is true.
10. You didn't notice that i skipped 9.
11. Your checking it now.
12. You didn't notice there are only 10 facts
WERTY05 wrote
at 5:06 AM, Sunday May 9, 2010 EDT
toms: sry if anybody fagged...im havin lag problems

Nerd Alert: im not a fag


wester: lmao

Enzyme: me neither

toms: ^^

WERTY05: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

toms: u know what i mean

wester: seen my pic? im not lol

Enzyme: :p

herbsttag: you're having fag problems


Nerd Alert: stay away from them

toms: really blue

wester: toms maybe lol
WERTY05 wrote
at 10:21 AM, Saturday May 8, 2010 EDT
Bloodsucker: u accept my flag green or my visa card

WERTY05: Lol.

Doofenschmurtz: or his boys choir

MB238: visa willl do:P

WERTY05: GO FOR THE VISA CARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bloodsucker: c

Bloodsucker: k

WERTY05: Lol.

Bloodsucker: here is my amarican express

MB238: 7246966 Dutch bank account, ING

Bloodsucker: ohh its old

MB238: just transfer:P
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