Level 49
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one truth prevails
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total retard with no clue who to play
gontis on Tuesday April 23, 2013
Ing.a on Saturday April 13, 2013
doesn't respect flags.
mlerner on Wednesday March 27, 2013
kudoukun on Saturday March 2, 2013
2013-02-24 kudoukun, the Level 41 bad 1st place player and hypocrite, left me another review: "i would want the same done to me, so i am not a hypocrite. i understand that you don't personally like it, but you don't get to decide what's right and wrong for everyone else. especially because i did what i did not just because i was bored or greedy, like you arbitrarily decided, but because i thought it was the right thing to do. you're insane if you a)think you alone know what the right thing to do is in all situations, b)think you know what personal beliefs are well enough to say that my actions contradict those very beliefs, c) if you're over 12 and still act this way." Now trying to sound logical and reasonable (good!), kudoukon claims that he would want a 1st place player to kill him off at the 1st place player's discretion. Dear Readers, that is not believable. We believe, don't we, that he is making that claim just to save face? Even if it were true, there can't be more than a handful of players who WANT 1st place players to kill them off whenever the 1st place player decides it is time. Who could actively WANT that? No one. Also, kudoukun is as non-serious now as he was then if he thinks that he can come back from the leap he took when he said at the end of the first review he left me "grow the f*ck up." Dear Readers, kudoukun can't have it both ways; he can't be the kind of guy who says "grow the f*ck up" AND be logical and reasonable. He immediately ceded the intellectual and moral high ground when he said "grow the f*ck up." If he doesn't see THAT then he is even dumber than we thought isn't he Dear Readers? ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2013-02-14 kudoukun, the Level 41 bad 1st place player and hypocrite, left me a Valentine's Day review: "a baby who wants everyone to think like him. because he can't understand more than one way of looking at things, when someone acts in a way he wouldn't, they appear to him not only wrong but also hypocritical. grow the fuck up." Think what you want, kudoukun, but do the right thing: do NOT kill off other players when you have 1st in hand. kudoukun would not want it done to him; that is what makes him a hypocrite. I didn't make him kill off the 4th place player--HE did that. He shouldn't have done it. My way is better for Kdice; kudoukun's way is the way of petty tyrants everywhere. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2013-02-08 kudoukun is Level 41, a bad 1st place player, a hypocrite, and is bad for kdice--all this on the 0 tables. In our game, kudoukun (purple) accepted flags from green and from me (brown). Yellow was in fourth and I was between yellow and green--in the middle. I was probably going to lose, being in the middle, but it was going to be close and a fun fight. kudoukun had 1st in hand, yellow never attacked him, but after quite a few rounds kudoukun attacked yellow and wiped him out. That waiting period was VERY telling, by the way. If kudoukun had a principle he would have acted immediately--but he didn't. He waited quite a few rounds and THEN killed off yellow. kudoukun thinks that was the right thing to do for several bad reasons including: 0 table games should go faster, yellow shouldn't spoil the fight between green and me, and OF COURSE, as kudoukun finally admitted, because yellow HAD NOT FLAGGED TO HIM. I told kudoukun he was wrong and a bad 1st place player and I quit in protest. Understand, Dear Readers, that kudoukun's bad action "helped" me in my fight for 2nd, but I quit to make my point as clear as possible. I claim that kudoukun would not want done to him what kudoukun did to yellow thus making kudooukun a hypocrite. kudoukun wants what he wants when he wants it--very immature of him and bad for kdice. kudoukun and his ilk should learn and follow my motto: When 1st is in hand leave everyone alone unless attacked or stalemate. It actually applies to 2nd and 3rd etc, too. Following my motto makes Kdice better; following kudoukun's way makes Kdice worse.
3.14159 on Tuesday February 26, 2013
I did, Strenght. I did fuck him in his tight japaneese ass. He didnt enjoy it, I'm affraid.
avigdor on Sunday October 28, 2012
"one truth prevails" this moron thinks his opinions is truth, what a fucking moron. Fuck you.
Strenght on Saturday October 6, 2012
weak player who thinks he's smart. good for a laugh.
shapes_83 on Wednesday July 4, 2012
defended my assaults convincingly, still just a lowborn mummer's farce
Gregor Clegane on Monday April 9, 2012
mohel on Friday February 24, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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