Level 8
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Bloody not respectable pirate
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kill on sight.
nogoodsemina on Wednesday March 17, 2010
ILMAO on Wednesday March 10, 2010
pussy three way truced
dana22 on Wednesday March 10, 2010
truced the borad to beat me then truced blue to beat the others.......... ___________________________________________________ roustor2: so blue eat one _ roustor2: for the win _ Ethanol: hahaha _ Simi777: i flag blue _ roustor2: lol yellow Oo _ warriors: xD _ Ethanol: yellow, _ Ethanol: wtf :D _ Ethanol: oh,, yellow didnt truce to everyone vs light blue _ Simi777: what's pga? _ gfhgfr: pre game allance _ roustor2: lol in your dream _ Ethanol: this is not pre :D _ Simi777: why do you keep attaking me blue? _ roustor2: lol it after _ roustor2: it fpa _ warriors: because u where suporting teal _ Ethanol: :) _ Simi777: i already flagged to him _ Simi777: then i can't attack him _ warriors: ok im going for him _ Ethanol: :) _ Ethanol: ok _ warriors: lol _ Ethanol: theres no truce anymore _ roustor2: lol _ Ethanol: blue, truce? _ Ethanol: :D _ roustor2: poor teal _ warriors: xD _ roustor2: in the ass :( _ Ethanol: blue truce? XD _ warriors: ok _ Ethanol: :) _ Ethanol: now we have to kill yellow and green _ Simi777: i flag 3rd _ roustor2: yellow first _ roustor2: ! _ Ethanol: :DDD _ Ethanol: yeah yellow first _ Simi777: why yellow man
gfhgfr on Tuesday March 9, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary