Level 17
to level 18


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I have never backstabbed anyone, And yes, I whine a great deal about those players who farm dom, disrespect flags, suicide on people and are geniunely just jerks. Let's all play and have fun without being rude to each other and childish. Why do you write nonsene on my wall like backstabber and untrusthworthy? I flagged you and you screwed me over and I'm the bad guy? really? I flag you to you, let you have first and you screw me! you destroyed me! and somehow I am the bad guy. You wouldn't even let me fight for my 2.
grandmother on Wednesday March 24, 2010
here it the full asshole, told me i flagged and no flagged play truced and when i kill him vote negativ. pussy player
if4u on Tuesday March 23, 2010
kill instantly. doesn't take flags. pga w/ captainLager. nice package.
jungturk on Tuesday March 23, 2010
total asswipe.
singerman on Sunday March 21, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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