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Asshole first class
jasse11 on Sunday August 3, 2014
2014-02-15 ProVVe (Level 38 crybaby) responded to my review of him (see below): "idiot." Clever! ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2014-02-15 ProVVe is a Level 38 crybaby playing on the 0 tables. All chat below is verbatim as it always is. Enjoy ProVVe and Dear Readers. ProVVe is blue, I am green. ++++++++++ ProVVe: sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet stack [Note: ProVVe is being sarcastic. He did not like his restack.] ---------- Urbi et Orbi: one too many "e"s there ---------- ProVVe: xD ---------- ProVVe: flag red ---------- [Note: ProVVe flags a little early in order to head off an attack by red later. Very reasonable; keep the interesting fights going. Plus, he would have been in the middle without that flag.] ---------- Urbi et Orbi: flag red ---------- Razor Ramon: ok ---------- Urbi et Orbi: flag purple ---------- ProVVe: idiot green 3rd=4th =0 pts ########## [Note: ProVVe just got through attacking me again (one attack of many) and now seems surprised that I might want "revenge." ProVVe knows this happens all the time, but he cries and whines anyway. Plus, "revenge" fighting is the most fun there is on Kdice. It is the essence of Kdice. Yes, a lot of guys make that same stupid "3=4" point, but they are wrong, of course.] ---------- ProVVe: buy new brain ---------- Urbi et Orbi: idiot--not everyone plays for points ---------- Urbi et Orbi: did you not know that, blue? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: what a fool you are, blue ---------- otis 1: what do you play for urbz? ########## ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: fun ########## ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i beat blue--THAT was fun [Note: ProVVe quit in 4th, I quit in 3rd. He had 3rd easily and 2nd probably, but he quit in resentment of my flag.] ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Razor Ramon: gg ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: cry more, ProVVE ---------- Urbi et Orbi: cry more ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: poor, poor ProVVE ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i did NOT know he was a crybaby ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i've played many games against him ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i've never seen him whine and cry like this ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: he attacks me all game but cries when i fight back... ---------- Urbi et Orbi: as if he never played kdice ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: what a fool ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: poor, poor ProVVE ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- otis 1: cut! ---------- Urbi et Orbi: are you okay, ProVVe? ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: is this a cry for help, ProVVE? ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: is someone hurting you, ProVVe? ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: do we need to call someone to help you, ProVVe? ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: you seem upset and hurt ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: OR something is wrong with your keyboard? ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: do you need a new keyboard? ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: yours seems stuck ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: OR you have no imagination or no brains... ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: is THAT it--you are stupid? ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: you can't think of anything to say? ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: is that it? ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: ProVVe told me the other day... ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: he broke the record in the 100 yard dash... ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i said you can't do that--it is impossible ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: ProVVe said "I know a shortcut" ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: ProVVe told me he was going on an expidition... ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i said "where to?" ---------- Urbi et Orbi: you done, ProVVe? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: give up? ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i asked ProVVe where he was going on his expedition... ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: he said "To the sun" ---------- Urbi et Orbi: give up again, ProVVe? ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: is said "you can't do that--you can't go to the sun!"... ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i said "ProVVe, you can't go on an expedition to the sun--you will burn up! it is too hot!"... ---------- Urbi et Orbi: ProVVe said, "I'll go at night!" ---------- Urbi et Orbi: yes, ProVVe may be that stupid, right ProVVe? ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: or he is a crybaby... ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: which is it, ProVVe--are you a crybaby or stupid? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: are you both a crybaby AND stupid, ProVVe? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: is that it? ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: ah, you ARE both--glad you admitted it ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: that is big of you ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Urbi et Orbi: ProVVe asked me for $100 for charity... ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Vitas Real: flag yell ---------- Urbi et Orbi: I asked "what charity?" ---------- ProVVe: green=idiot ---------- Reven: ok ---------- Urbi et Orbi: ProVVe said, "To help in the fight against malaria" ---------- fuatturkten: flg yell ---------- Urbi et Orbi: I said, "Okay, that is a good cause" ---------- Reven: thanks ---------- fuatturkten: flg brow ---------- Urbi et Orbi: ProVVe said, "But tell me. I've been collecting all this money..." ---------- Urbi et Orbi: ProVVe said, "But what did the Malarians ever do to us?" ---------- Urbi et Orbi: there you go, ProVVe ---------- Reven: 3=4 ---------- ProVVe: ok i have no more time moron xD i have to buy your poor country cya next time idiot xD you need some mathematica lessons hehe sweet moron xD ---------- ProVVe has left ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i walk away for one minute to pick up the mail and ProVVe runs away ---------- Urbi et Orbi: oh, well
Urbi et Orbi on Saturday February 15, 2014
to dumb to play..
Hennessy on Thursday December 26, 2013
platicus on Tuesday November 26, 2013
one of the most retardness player ever see in this game
celta on Saturday November 9, 2013
@Edanur_sa: blue and green pga? ProVVe: yes we are ProVVe: this is my younger brother Saul Goodman: yup
@Gurbiss on Monday October 7, 2013
do not trust him, backstabber!
Luxie on Monday September 23, 2013
Lives on a small house boat half way up his own arse. Nothing missing from this player, he is a complete idiot!
Live Action on Sunday August 25, 2013
good guy -- [This review was automatically posted using Deadcode Tools for KDice. Download: http://kdice.com/profile/44773121]
Caephus on Tuesday August 20, 2013
PGA with Big Punisher
Big Punisher on Saturday August 10, 2013
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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