Level 51
to level 52 |
cs13Without the bitter the sweet aint the sweet
Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. doesn't respect flags, flaged 3rd, he kills me....
MightyRussian on Sunday April 11, 2010 probably has a short dick to truce with everybody
cabotine on Thursday April 8, 2010 known as noob
player_A on Wednesday March 10, 2010 pathetic trucer
ReAlien on Thursday March 4, 2010 dom farmer
Virlomi on Sunday February 28, 2010 fucking jerk.
surfierox8 on Friday February 26, 2010 pga with Kitty Tanaka meo
mict08 on Friday February 26, 2010 Sorry that i had to force you roll off...
Kado B on Thursday February 25, 2010 doesnt respect a real flag. IDIOT
canzianinoob on Thursday February 18, 2010 Good player
partal on Thursday February 11, 2010 |