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Shit cunt
Steveee G on Monday April 22, 2013
flag stabs
SHO-GUN on Friday April 12, 2013
Good and honourable guy. We need more such players in KDice.
Myst on Saturday March 23, 2013
Do you have a grudge against me or something?
trickster_96 on Sunday December 9, 2012
really honorable player, could have easily taken 2nd place in a tourny game, but was nice enough to flag out 3rd because i got screwed over by another player.
zin8 on Saturday October 6, 2012
Great player. Gave up his spot for his opponent because another player screwed his opponent's game.
ChrisMorrisCo on Saturday October 6, 2012
WTF??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Pri0r's turn MasterBlaster1 defeated 4v4, 20 to 11, (6,5,5,4 to 1,2,4,4) gabibo defended 2v2, 3 to 7, (2,1 to 1,6) gabibo defended 3v2, 6 to 10, (3,2,1 to 6,4) (-50 for 7th and +0 for dominance) Rank: 2497th Score: -50 to 0◆. Pri0r finishes 7th in round 1 Thanks for the 6th place un worthy player
MasterBlaster1 on Wednesday September 12, 2012
good strategy and respects flags.very fair guy! thumbs up for you man :))))
RoxyCher on Saturday May 26, 2012
Spews racist hate speech.
CammellRoeg on Wednesday December 28, 2011
calls me a noob then leaves, haha check my profile bitch
gator2000 on Friday September 9, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary