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PGA like a mofo. Did not honor flag once I eliminated his PGA partner.
Textual Deviant on Thursday December 24, 2009
It took ever so long. But years of strenuous physical exertion and stress, mental climbing and romantic dreaming, years later, I had achieved it. Maybe I am dreaming now. But gliding upwards, silently and the clouds blowing over my skin I know for sure this is worth the earthly suffering. Like when you climb into bed and you pull the duvet tightly around your shoulders and you pull hard enough to make your neck slightly hurt. But it's not a bad hurt, it's warmth and a feeling of being alive, and yet relaxed and calm and safety. Regardless of what I have been through, I will speed up and rise up through the trouble and see the sun. Like happiness has a real, golden, presence in the air, everyone should be dancing all through the journey as the sun shines inside. What cavity we once had is now decorated, heated and full of people. I have the responsibility of making people enjoy their time with me. When I haven't reached that place yet, this isn't my concern, getting there is more important. Once there, it's all I want, can and will do. Even a little shock and maybe a little worry or concern rumbles emotions within my passengers and it helps me to deliver my message more clearly. The clockwork of the world is changing, but I genuinely believe the clockwork within me will never change. When I get older, most people's brains stop working. They deteriorate. I don't trust others, for their incompetence is all drama, and I'm in a space opera. I will travel with Sirius. My mind will not fail me, I will never let it hinder my entertainment. I will play chess, improvise on the piano, tell parables of my own and juggle. When those things have gone from my hands, I will cease to live. And I need to take the risk. Have I truly lost my mind? Or is there more beneath there. I want so much, to appreciate the arts. I know my own potential, but I have skipped rungs on the ladder that I wish to stay longer on. I don't want to miss out on these parts of life. Help me and encourage me to stay with these things, remind me of the clouds, I will get there, whether it end in inevitable death or a lifetime in jail. It will be worth it, to be in the clouds. .
Jammy41 on Tuesday December 8, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary