Level 43
to level 44


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just another fucking idiot dont trust his word
l33tZ on Wednesday November 10, 2010
fair player
yay on Tuesday November 9, 2010
fair and nice player
JimmyNokNok on Monday November 8, 2010
Great guy, he is too nice and too honourable to ever PGA imo so "bluff or not?" please dont ruin the reviews of fair players by childish accusations when you lose
jurgen on Friday November 5, 2010
PGA with Elisinha
bluff or not? on Tuesday November 2, 2010
dont like this guy. hes mean.
surfierox8 on Tuesday November 2, 2010
he was alyway a thief
kung_fu on Friday October 29, 2010
Pleasure to play with. Honourable from start to finish. It was fun thank you
Loobee on Friday October 29, 2010
true to his avatar, he is an asshole like LD :P
greekboi on Monday October 25, 2010
learn how to play dont force player to acept your flag
kostur on Wednesday October 13, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary