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doesn't read the chat - it's an integral part of the game. Also seems to ignore real flags. Easiest just to get rid of this player early on so you don't get upset later.
calls calls on Monday May 16, 2011
noob. completely dumb
Tarleton on Monday May 16, 2011
does not respect flags, even does not answer
hmmdesign on Saturday May 14, 2011
noob and not respect flag fuck you noob
FUCK JAP on Thursday April 21, 2011
Doesn't respect flags..
NoRegrets429 on Saturday April 16, 2011
asshole that leaves when all is lost and slows the game down
tiagosilva on Thursday August 12, 2010
Watch out for this guy. Horrible kdicer. Will not respect flags. Does not understand the concept of kdice.
schmack on Monday June 14, 2010
Disgusting, despicable motherfucker. Does not honor flags, pre-game-allied with countless others, cheats in tournaments, rude comments. Avoid this motherfucker at all costs. Worst cheater on Kdice I have seen.
RegeneratorGreen on Friday June 11, 2010
bob_3 on Wednesday June 9, 2010
got what you deserved didnt you wanker?
Sharsehole on Tuesday June 8, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary