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Reviews 1 - 10 of 10

What a dirty little cunt nugget.. should go and pull his dick to some faggot porn, instead of wasting everyones time. Ash_mz21 on Wednesday March 3, 2010 I do enjoy some gay porn from time to time, thank you. You clearly are so gay for me. call me?
bouncing_soul on Wednesday March 3, 2010
STUPID ASS player, flags and attacks, doesnt respect flags, suicides to ruin ur game. NOOOB
amccaw on Thursday February 25, 2010
Attacks flagged players. Does not allow lower flagged players to fight for position.
Rippo on Saturday February 20, 2010
Ash_mz21 you da man!!
Ash_mz21 on Saturday February 20, 2010
noob ... go read the forums and rules to learn how to play
Moonz on Saturday February 20, 2010
Flagged and then attacked one turn later.
PvtSchmidt on Wednesday February 3, 2010
stupid ass, pga, dont respect flags
GoGoGirls on Wednesday February 3, 2010
DOESNT RESPECT FLAGS. At the end of the game once you helped him! Good luck being a young jerk.
Happy Dice on Wednesday January 13, 2010
stupid ass, pga, dont respect flags
Gersumina. on Tuesday December 15, 2009
Spammed chat.
subruncinator on Wednesday November 18, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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