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Week Ban, pgaing with RF Dude. -changeAvatar -chat -play -post -re-register KDICEMOD 8:25 AM, Thursday August 11, 2011 EDT

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Rockonde's turn cureshoot defeated 4v1, 8 to 6, (2,2,2,2 to 6) ocozam defeated 2v1, 9 to 6, (5,4 to 6) ocozam defended 5v2, 11 to 11, (2,3,2,3,1 to 6,5) +4 dice Holy..... major from a one connect...lol
manofmagic on Saturday April 2, 2011
attacked player flagged 3rd to give 3rd to the 4th player. Arsehole.
Galvers on Saturday March 26, 2011
Ignored my flag with no reason given
Xar on Thursday March 24, 2011
fuckin moron, kill this fagot asap !!!
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm on Friday March 18, 2011
so if you know somebody because you've been playing the same game for 5 years you're automatically PGA with them? lmao, you're an idiot.
5er on Thursday March 17, 2011
Worst guy i have ever met on kdice EVER
Unreach on Thursday March 17, 2011
NO respect, plays 100s with 4585 points, then proceeds to be a stupid fucking backstabbing bitch, killing players with 145 and 312 points just so he doesnt lose 8 points. how do pathetic cowards like this not understand that they are supposed to play 2000s? PGE forever you low life pathetic piece of shit.
captainLAGER on Thursday March 17, 2011
pga with mzziaz
Debilizam Almir on Tuesday March 15, 2011
pga with guromer
Serpen on Tuesday September 21, 2010
Nice guy. Very honourable. Respects flags.
KAGEEE on Monday July 5, 2010
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