Level 82
to level 83 |
sanio6846Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. doesn't respect flags
waldov86 on Sunday May 1, 2011 AsSHole, Jerk.
Fuck ryan too.
X_A_U on Saturday March 12, 2011 does not respect flags. dumbass noob who gets a good position then plays like a stupid child.
VinceMorris on Saturday December 18, 2010 This noob was in the lead and told me and another guy to roll. I won the roll, but this noob killed me anyway. What a jerk!
Gleekin on Wednesday December 8, 2010 another poor noob. doesnt respect flags and backstabbs you. kill this poor gay asap if you want a fair game. asshole
Dumb Teen on Wednesday October 27, 2010 Fights well.
Rowen on Sunday August 22, 2010 can you remove your review on my page? you seem to have crossposted it from someone else. as far as I know, we've never played a game
Ralphhhhhhhhhhhh on Monday August 16, 2010 disgusting racist. should be banned: sanio6846: i hope you and your family die soon. KILL THIS ASSHOLE IN SIGHT!!!!
cinzano on Saturday August 7, 2010 doesn't respect flags (see below)
counthaku on Tuesday August 3, 2010 stupid noob
peddy on Saturday July 24, 2010 |