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weakflagger --> backstabber -- [This review was automatically posted using Deadcode Tools for KDice. Download: http://kdice.com/profile/44773121]
am I on Saturday July 12, 2014
liar and backstabber
tyla on Saturday July 12, 2014
good and fair player dude: i also got stabbed by them. and the game you mean i was away half of the time. would be nice if you could open up your mind...
the die on Thursday June 12, 2014
fair player
spman on Monday May 19, 2014
I didnt accepted his flag (on what i have full right) and he went crazy like a kid and making truces againts me in next few rounds of tourney ... just mad kid .
Yuck_Fou3 on Monday March 17, 2014
I used noobs to kill you and then helped you later. Get over it
Gauntlet15 on Sunday February 9, 2014
kill on sight this slimy creeper and unfair player
Exa on Sunday January 5, 2014
fuck you all famely bitch and small beybi bitch im rember idiot im again kil you!
bivo on Friday December 13, 2013
flags really early and plays like a bitch. whinged for hours about me not accepting his flag in round 4.
Acrisius on Friday November 22, 2013
PGE this guy who does not accept flags after a legit fight for 1st
mrRo on Wednesday November 6, 2013
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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