Level 33
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shits going dowwwnnn
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Just an idiot.
super8 on Tuesday November 3, 2009
he is so horny.. just play with a pretty-girl-avatar.. he will let u win or kill others for u.. DOES NOT RESPECT FLAGS!!
Adriana.Gazdic on Tuesday November 3, 2009
crystal is a cunt and he is a pimp.
phoneguy on Tuesday November 3, 2009
urkul likes my style. woo hoo!
crystal4444 on Tuesday November 3, 2009
i would write about how she v flags and then attacks, but she's so horrible at kdice that it ends up blowing up in her face anyway. good luck with that
-Abaddon- on Tuesday November 3, 2009
douche only replied to a flag (not mine) after 3 min and then after the player acted in his favor killed him off
stretch9987 on Monday November 2, 2009
Attacks the 1st after flagged for 2nd. Do not trust him.
Souper Hero on Monday November 2, 2009
was about to let ppl no hes a dick but a see now everyone noes
..Burnzy.. on Monday November 2, 2009
For a tongan this guy is pretty gay and plays the game like a pussy.this is what he talks about in the chat box to furbul urkul: hahah yay urkul: i will suck u off nicely now furbul: lol
Pocketchange on Monday November 2, 2009
Attacks after he flagged to you for 1st/2nd... At least he lost. Don't trust!
deleteme on Monday November 2, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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