![]() Level 26
to level 27 |
alekarasAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. good game
Monsanto on Wednesday November 18, 2009 No honor. Attacked me when i was flagged zo him for no reason or advantage to him. Stooooooopid.
Syzygy Thrawn on Saturday November 7, 2009 PGA with vas & kroust
asdzxc on Tuesday November 3, 2009 No honor. Says he'll flag when he's been beaten but just waits to restack and attack later.
SeismicCloud on Monday October 26, 2009 doesn't respect flags. plays like a douchebag.
pacode on Sunday October 25, 2009 pga with kekse and any other greeks. Be sure to check his country flag when playing him, he will be pga with others with the same flag.
WendysRox on Thursday October 22, 2009 complete bitch that doesnt respect flags
Ic3m4n on Friday October 9, 2009 Nice game, I had no problems with him.
Rowen on Wednesday October 7, 2009 a 35 years old child
@min on Saturday October 3, 2009 attacks flaged players, helps his countrymen
yotams on Sunday September 27, 2009 |