Level 16
to level 17


jona rocks
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This player has been modded by the community

Experiment over. All L's to be banned. -changeAvatar -chat -play -post KDICEMOD 6:42 PM, Wednesday September 9, 2009 EDT
Experiment over. All L's to be banned. +changeAvatar +chat +play +post -avatar KDICEMOD 6:41 PM, Wednesday September 9, 2009 EDT
likdice@hotmail.com ---- pw: 420 ---- SHARED ACCOUNT -changeAvatar -chat -play -post KDICEMOD 1:55 PM, Monday August 31, 2009 EDT

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This L is in fact all i-s ... the one L who isn't
MadWilly on Sunday August 30, 2009
not respect flags
tty_csu on Thursday August 27, 2009
Fuckin PGA... seriously das, play fair. PGE from now on
Optical on Tuesday August 25, 2009
This L sucks
C&A on Sunday August 23, 2009
PGEs people for no reason, shittiest L on the game.
trendz on Sunday August 23, 2009
fucking cunt. silent truces is his way to get around on the 2k tables. what a piece of shit.
surfierox8 on Sunday August 23, 2009
pga with fiero
Jslap! on Thursday August 20, 2009
Fucking PGA dont Play with him 2000K table
erkan73 on Tuesday August 18, 2009
definitely a good L
IIIIIIIIII on Tuesday August 18, 2009
Not one of the good Ls. Manipulative and whiny to an extreme.
lIlllIlIIl on Monday August 17, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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