Level 21
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Ypsilon2Add a review about this player
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Reviews 1 - 8 of 8
1st 2nd truce in round 2 with lenni09... PGA i guess
tatalor on Thursday November 19, 2009 complains and doesnt take lose very well. good player but bad personality
Babagesh on Friday October 23, 2009 Flags and then backstabs. Kill on sight.
DiceCube on Friday September 11, 2009 do not trust
B'Yodi Yodi on Friday September 11, 2009 kill on sight
muskito on Saturday September 5, 2009 say only idots to other player and die in round 3. Nice!
Laudan on Friday September 4, 2009 This might be the beginning of a long list of bad reviews for this player. Hopefully not, but probably not much hope.
Animo on Sunday August 2, 2009 didnt respect flags! PGA with tuuletin1!
no game feeling! BEWARE
fish28 on Sunday August 2, 2009 |