Level 93
to level 94


Hate the game! NOT the playa!
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This player has 1 contributions to the community

Recognized on 11:43 PM, Wednesday October 29, 2014 EDT by Rowdyazell
knows when to keep his mouth shut!!!

This player has been modded by the community

thx for not using my profile pics in kdice -avatar jurgen 12:13 PM, Tuesday October 18, 2011 EDT
there you go +changeAvatar jurgen 2:19 AM, Monday October 17, 2011 EDT
We already have enough dicks on KDice so no dicks in your avatar please -changeAvatar -avatar jurgen 6:49 AM, Sunday October 16, 2011 EDT
reinstated +post Rowdyazell 11:31 PM, Thursday October 13, 2011 EDT
SPAM should be ingested in very small doses. Since you have obviously ingested way too much and have been regurgitating uncontrollably, I am imposing a 48 hour recuperation period. Any mod can reinstate posting privileges as of 10/12/2011 -post Bone-Roller 12:56 AM, Tuesday October 11, 2011 EDT

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« First ‹ Previous Reviews 21 - 30 of 112 Next › Last »

Dostojewski on Tuesday November 22, 2011
Very nice player, respects all.
PwrRangerPink on Tuesday November 22, 2011
Don't Flag to it, For the marks only, POOR Guy.
JanusC on Monday November 21, 2011
does not respect flags.
mk99 on Friday November 18, 2011
smells likle shit
Al91 on Thursday November 17, 2011
Good player and a good sport. Best of luck to you!
CheshireUZ on Wednesday November 9, 2011
as usual doesn't respect flags...haven't played with him in months but nothing changes
punkpunk on Sunday October 30, 2011
fu asshole
fletch85 on Thursday October 27, 2011
Cool guy. He has the right attitude to the game.
Mazaman on Saturday October 22, 2011
good game
Darria on Thursday October 20, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary