Level 11
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o ] - [ o

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Reviews 1 - 4 of 4

complete cocksucker
Fantomex on Saturday August 22, 2009
i think, he is a fair player. was funny ,to play with (against) him. ty and gl for future games. Tod
Tod on Friday August 21, 2009
stinky poo head
Spinal on Wednesday August 12, 2009
---ALSO--- You say, "the one who got third that game was entirely cool with what i did anyway"; that is NOT true. You cleared a path for him to attack me but he said no. He left the game rather than play your dreary, childish game. ---ORIGINAL POST--- If you don't want people to protest, o ] - [ o, then act honorably. o ] - [ o and his truce-mate had it won. o ] - [ o had about 16 territories, his truce-mate had 3, I had about 12. o ] - [ o had to reduce his truce-mate down to 1 territory in order to try to clear a path for his truce-mate to get a chance to fight me. His truce-mate was much more sensible and honorable and quit. When you are winning, o ] - [ o, don't rub people's noses in their loss. That was classless and lame, so don't be surprised or whine when people protest in the only way they can. YOU brought it on and then you whine. If you had acted like a grown-up 1st place player, we would have been done very quickly. My slowdown game was a protest against your actions. By the way, in the chat, right before the game ended, you said something like, "I had fun--sort of." How does that jibe with your petulant review? Were you lame then or are you lame now or both? Also, with a name like o ] - [ o you must be creating new players all the time to hide your past. Find honor and stand up like a grown-up, o ] - [ o, and civilized people will happily accept you into their company. Good luck.
oakcliff on Monday August 10, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary