![]() Level 29
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NoVFlagRoomAre you alright? Do you need some cream for your V-Flag?
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Reviews 1 - 9 of 9
Umm... you're unhappy with me? lol What was that about anyway? I only killed you before purple...
Attila41 on Friday August 28, 2009 Total piece of shit and he totally accepts vflaggs. Just remember this guy is a piece of shit.
TheBetterYodel on Thursday August 27, 2009 *****************************Rules for no vflagging***************************************************************************************************** *No flagging. *If other people start flagging, state position that I am fighting for. *Do not accept flags unless others are accepting flags as well. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Imanema, your reviews are lame. You seem more likely to be PGA. Scooter... I have no idea who you are or your game with me. I play the way I play and I don't pga.
NoVFlagRoom on Thursday August 20, 2009 blatant pgaing whore. Wish you all evil things to happen to you!!!!!
imanema on Monday August 17, 2009 PGA w/ Demron
scooter11 on Friday August 7, 2009 so i can pimp up my kill score since i wont get the positivepoints i need tog et to 500 tables here..
MadWilly on Thursday August 6, 2009 A pretty decent player.
Kaytee! on Wednesday August 5, 2009 Great KDicer.
Plays like a true champion.
nova83tx on Friday July 31, 2009 doesnt respect flag.
phantom_jerk on Friday July 31, 2009 |