![]() Level 34
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RambynasAdd a review about this player
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Reviews 1 - 6 of 6
the bloodiest asshole of a player i ever met. flagged him. helped him to become first. he waisted it and killed me instead. never trust!
Leontes on Thursday September 24, 2009 Did not respect my flag. But don't hate him, pity him. He clearly has no friends and probably lives with his mum and a shit load of cats
4sight on Sunday September 20, 2009 honorable player. v-flagged to me, COULD've fucked me up for a higher place, but didn't :] great guy
Das_Pithlit on Tuesday September 15, 2009 doesn t respect flags.
>Username< on Sunday August 23, 2009 dextra: flag teal
Known2Own: damn, accidently pressed it
dextra: asshole iflagged long time ago
Rambynas: srr haven't see
Rambynas: browen / red roll off
dextra: but this time u know it
Marys: roll off
Marys: red and blue
Marys: red and brown
dextra: 25
dextra: 29
Marys: teal??
dextra: he i did what u ssaid
Rambynas: blue?
dextra: he i rolled and won
dextra: pga
dextra on Thursday August 20, 2009 pga with blue50
FearMeMortals on Saturday July 18, 2009 |