Level 27
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Reviews 1 - 10 of 10

doesn't respect flags
thymic on Thursday September 17, 2009
fucking dirty filthy cunt who disrespect flags, kill prick on sight
cebalo on Thursday June 25, 2009
STFU you annoying ahole
Warlord213 on Thursday May 21, 2009
total fucking asshole...prolly a nazi
JonnyDallas on Tuesday May 5, 2009
what _The_Joker_ said
mikefeith on Monday April 20, 2009
pga, totally disrespected a legit flag.
Linssen on Wednesday February 11, 2009
fun 2 play with
smufz pimp'n on Friday October 10, 2008
honorable player. respecting flags for lower places. not farming.
wEiRd0 on Friday September 26, 2008
What _The_Joker_ said
Tymbrwulf on Friday September 26, 2008
One of the worst KDice players you will ever find. His game logic and decisions are idiotic at best, they make no sense or logic whatsoever! He really is a disgrace to this game, his family and anyone who has ever had the unfortunent experience of playing him in this game. Find a rope, tie to something high.. put it around your neck, stand on a chair and jump please. Do the world a favor. YOU SUCK FAGGOT!
_The_Joker_ on Wednesday July 30, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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