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PGA in tourney
Lady Lite on Monday August 27, 2012
asshole strategy - e.g 3v1 play on a dom table, nterfering in fights for placement
moulue on Sunday August 26, 2012
well..some people don't know the meaning of the word pga..i made a normal truce in a game and now i've got this bad review^^well..think what u want^^
goscha on Friday August 10, 2012
trucer player bad and PGA
tvor on Friday August 10, 2012
probably pga with ts1 and tommyHH
andrea92 on Sunday July 22, 2012
good player
DominarBZH on Tuesday January 3, 2012
Dumb, hyperagressive BACKSTABBER. This thing NEVER RESPECTS FLAGS so kill it at the beginning!!!
GiustinianoIII on Tuesday January 3, 2012
I agree with the bad reviews and strongly disagree with the good reviews. I suspect that this player is schizophrenic.
calls calls on Friday November 25, 2011
not respect flags!
tty_csu on Saturday September 24, 2011
damn bakstabber,first flagged then attacked,asshole
Jagschen on Thursday September 22, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary