Level 13
to level 14

Unknown Pornstar

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Online Status: Unknown Pornstar is offline since 16:16:39 Sep 18, 2020 EDT
About: PGE Number One: XXSeafogXXx
The greatest asshole in this game. ill ever kill you in sight. never respect your flag. asshole!

PGE Number Two: Janine. Fucking pga Gamer and flaggedattacker

PGE: Danilovic. unbelievable asshole. i wanted to kill this idiot whenever i see him!!!

PGE: Das_Pithlit: Called me a nazikid. dont know why. a little asshole

hmhmhmhmh and space lizzard. fucking polish pga noobs

The greatest asshole in this game. ill ever kill you in sight. never respect your flag. asshole!

Unknown Pornstar defeated 6v8, 26 to 24, (3,5,5,3,6,4 to 1,5,4,2,2,5,3,2)

bucky123 defended 5v2, 9 to 9, (3,1,2,1,2 to 3,6)

teratragen defeated 2v4, 12 to 8, (6,6 to 2,1,3,2)

shadolin73 defended 7v4, 14 to 17, (3,2,1,2,4,1,1 to 5,5,6,1)

its hard, when you get 2 turns in row this on a 500-table:
TobiHeidi defended 3v1, 5 to 6, (1,3,1 to 6)
stripmind defended 5v3, 9 to 12, (2,1,3,2,1 to 3,3,6)

what a fucking shit. lost 400 points because of this 2 fucking turns

Unknown Pornstar defended 7v3, 13 to 13, (1,1,2,2,3,3,1 to 2,5,6)

PGE: manolo69...idiot and non respect for flags.

PGE Number One: XXSeafogXXx

The greatest asshole in this game. ill ever kill you in sight. never respect your flag. asshole!

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