Level 67
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kamikaze Mike on Monday February 8, 2021 douchey
MrsGrendler on Sunday February 7, 2021 deplorable human being. I hope you die
imanema on Sunday February 7, 2021 Total moron. I wrote twice during a tourney that blue and red were proxies and then he attacked a regular player instead of the proxies. Proxies won the game.
PanzerRed on Saturday May 9, 2020 does NOT respect flags. total asshole, never to be trusted. Probably PGA every game.
Vsync on Friday August 16, 2019 Stupid noob, ruined me for no gain. It really seems like he doesn't understand kdice basics or is silent PGE.
22 april on Tuesday July 16, 2019 doesn't seem to understand that taking an island affects the gameplay in a tourney. Doesn't understand kdice basics it seems.
BarkingDog on Saturday October 13, 2018 stabs in tourney
sol4 on Friday November 27, 2015 honored flag in tourney even though he didnt need to
axlehammer on Tuesday November 24, 2015 douche bag cant be trusted
@don15037249 on Saturday May 23, 2015 |