Level 39
to level 40

shoop a loop

i want 3rd
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not really getting the rules, but hey
kotonyao on Monday November 2, 2009
doesn't respect flags (not even actual ones) and does not let people fight out their own stuff without threatening him.
Das_Pithlit on Friday September 18, 2009
complete douchebag
Josey Wales on Monday August 24, 2009
A super great player, very friendly. I thought it was refreshing that he openly admitted to his homosexuality. Although some would frown apon it, he openly discussed his activities and I think really shed a light on the homosexual crowd many people didn't know. I salute you for your braveness and honesty with yourself and us here at Kdice.
Vasha9276 on Monday August 3, 2009
cries like a small child
aphex732 on Tuesday June 30, 2009
Flagged ROUND 1.....who the fuck does that?
ballin colin on Monday June 29, 2009
Flagged to me, respected his flag, and allowed me to get 1st
dumbo25 on Friday June 26, 2009
enjoyed playing with him.
MadWilli on Monday June 22, 2009
don't obey the flag. so poor.
JanusC on Saturday June 20, 2009
Has no clue what he's doing. Went back on his word to flag and attacked first after he did. Yep he's that guy...
MISSION 6 on Tuesday June 9, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary