Level 69
to level 70 |
Donald KrunkYOU'RE FIRED!!!
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KuDec on Wednesday July 7, 2010 Y? u made me lose 700 to gain 10 for yourself then u died the next round? we came 13th and 12th when i could have not died the next round, it only takes 4 seconds to make a good impression, that 5 minutes was all bullshit
Troy11 on Wednesday July 7, 2010 fucking son of a bitch, didnt respected my flag
Donngal86 on Friday July 2, 2010 just a little wanking idiot
Emirates on Tuesday June 29, 2010 I flagged donald and was going for 2nd after someone else who was saying a lot of racist remarks to other players at the table. Donald dishonored the flag at the last minute and killed everyone but the player who was being racist giving him 2nd place. Some of the worst kdice I've seen in a long time.
aliman on Sunday June 27, 2010 Just a Dighead
Skrew on Wednesday June 16, 2010 damn trucer - he ignored after all the flag to his partner o.O
Flammenmeer on Saturday June 12, 2010 the donald is an impeccable player with a fierceness that can cause people on other tables to flag to him. as legend has it he was the offspring of chuck noris & bruce lee, as a babe they would wipe his @$$ with your flags and make him shoot craps while doing sit ups on a bed of razor sharp nails.... this went until he was 3 months old, as he grew into a toddler he became too powerful for his dads and flew away he has no computer so he plays kdice with his mind and was last seen attacking a pride of lions, personally i once saw him make a whole table flag 7th at the same time. we should all be so lucky as to be graced by him
the_tactician on Friday June 11, 2010 Quote (as he was speaking to a polish guy):
Donald Krunk: fuck you like your president
Donald Krunk: come to moscow
Polish dude: i dont have president
Donald Krunk: he burned
Donald Krunk: soon for you also
Chefe on Wednesday May 19, 2010 He doesnt respect flags
KrazyIvan on Sunday May 2, 2010 |