![]() Level 21
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Eyvindwolf on Tuesday September 10, 2013 very fair player! Thx
tabularasa on Sunday January 16, 2011 Kills everyone that flagged him.....just kill him first
MySim on Sunday January 16, 2011 dosent respect flags
franek on Tuesday January 4, 2011 Nice game, good player!
0ne world on Saturday January 1, 2011 Simply, don't trust his words, he said he flagged, then backstabb and attack.
Noobs you know....
Redge100 on Tuesday June 23, 2009 PGA all the way
simeun on Saturday May 30, 2009 unfair player.
cuja2030 on Friday May 29, 2009 After he betrayed Liptak at the table I was at, I found him at another table and confronted him.
Here was the chat conversation:
mlerner: eyvindwolf is a cheater just to let you guys know.
mlerner: last game, he flagged in the chat box to the 1st place guy
mlerner: then he proceeded to attack him
mlerner: and somehow managed to kill him through a series lucky moves
Eyvindwolf: two sides to everystory
mlerner: okay, what's yours?
Eyvindwolf: naw, its pretty much the same
Eyvindwolf: i just didnt want to lose points
mlerner: hah, do you admit that was kind of an asshole thing to do?
mlerner: after you flagged verbally
Eyvindwolf: yes, it was
He is a asshole, and I highly recommend against playing with him.
mlerner on Monday May 25, 2009 after playing with some special cases like you...yes, we can
Liptak on Monday May 25, 2009 |