![]() Level 41
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TumChickiTumAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. i dont belive u wanted to write that. hah its only game. lol it shows u have nothing to do in your private life
TumChickiTum on Monday May 16, 2011 2011-04-23 TumChickiTum wrote a new review of me: "fucking asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" His many, many exclamation points prove he is 17 times more emphatic than if he had used one exclamation point. He REALLY means it this time--you can tell that even this limited response took a lot out of TumChickiTum. ++++++++++ 2011-04-21 TumChickiTum is a hypocrite, a whiner, and not very bright. Here is the chat that proves it. TumChickiTum (also called TCT below) is blue, FlopTheNuts is red, DaDonDave is yellow, I am brown. ++++++++++ [Note: I had a small lead over blue for 1st and red was growing unmolested. Blue encouraged red to attack me while red was still stacking up. So NO flags had been mentioned, but blue wanted to semi-truce with red. Red probably would have attacke me eventually without blue asking, but that isn't the point. The point is that BLUE wanted it to be 2 versus 1 at that early point--something he later bemoans when he feels HE is the 1 and not the 2--ergo, blue is a hypocrite. I never whined about the 2 versus 1; blue was the only whiner at the table.]............... TumChickiTum: red can u do sth [Note: Here blue asks red to do "sth"=something. Blue wants a truce. This is AFTER red has flagged to him and AFTER I had flagged to red and to yellow so that I could try to hurt blue. Blue doesn't understand the reason for my flagging to red and yellow, thus my point that TumChickiTum is not very bright.]............... donaldd: so browns out............... donaldd: and you can beat red............... TumChickiTum: im fighting against 2 of them [Note: Said as if he himself had not advocated fighting 2 against ME.]............... oakcliff: blue, are you TRUCED with red?............... oakcliff: YOU, blue, encouraged red to attack ME............... TumChickiTum: no red flagged me [Note: Blue is dumb or lying to make this irrelevant point. Red HAD flagged to blue, but that was NOT a truce. Blue now wants a truce and says the FLAG was the truce? Pathetic.]............... TumChickiTum: ure third brown [Note: Now TCT wants to play dictator 1st place player, the lowest form of 1st place player--the ones who want to decide where everyone finishes.]............... oakcliff: AFTER you said that............... TumChickiTum: i dont know wtah the fuck u want to achiebe [Note: TCT is dumb or has no imagination.]............... oakcliff: i'd rather have 4th and you 3rd, blue [Note: Here I make it clear what I want, but TCT can't comprehend it, apparently.]............... oakcliff: to have you NOT get 1st, blue............... TumChickiTum: lol [Note: Like a young girl, TCT laughs to acquiesce or try to pass time when he doesn't "get" something.]............... oakcliff: lol............... TumChickiTum: whats the matter who win [Note: Desperate now, TCT says it should not matter to ME who wins, but he still wants to win. So pathetic.] ............... TumChickiTum: ?............... oakcliff: i agree--who cares............... oakcliff: so red wins............... TumChickiTum: lol............... TumChickiTum: red please help me ########## [Note: PLEASE red PLEASE HELP ME!!!!]............... TumChickiTum: the only one fair player [Note: Red has cut me off from blue--for the moment. For TCT, like a child, fair is whatever is good for HIM.]............... oakcliff: not at all--that is UNfair............... oakcliff: YOU, blue, didn't mind 2 against me did you?............... TumChickiTum: ill gibe u the 1st red for that [Note: Blue will GIVE red 1st. To quote TCT: LOL.]............... TumChickiTum: ure in the middle [Note: TCT throws out his lamest point of all. Because I was "in the middle" (no more than he, by the way), it was different and okay to call for 2 versus 1. Whatever remaining tiny shred of respect I had for TCT was gone at that point; now he is just throwing crap against a wall to see what sticks.]............... oakcliff: that is all i wanted [Note: Referring to the fact that blue was acknowledging that he would not get 1st.]............... DaDonDave: god 2 out of 8 [Note: Poor DDD has been attacking blue with not much success all this time. Remember that I had flagged to both yellow and red so that blue would lose.]............... TumChickiTum: there were no flags [Note: WORST OF ALL--earlier blue had said that red should attack me because red had flagged to blue. NOW blue says there were no flags so it was okay for blue to ask red to attack me. (Again, red probably would have anyway.)]............... oakcliff: blue, your hypocrisy knows no bounds............... DaDonDave: flag red [Note: Yellow flags to red.]............... oakcliff: YOU didn't mind 2 against 1 as long as it was ME getting attacked, right?............... TumChickiTum: lol no [Note: Finally blue admits the obvious--he is a hypocrite. He agrees that he did NOT mind 2 versus 1 when I was the 1, but he DOES mind 2 versus 1 when HE is the 1.]............... TumChickiTum: but thats beinf in the middle [Note: Again, blue pathetically offers up his "in the middle" excuse.]............... TumChickiTum: now ure actions are totally against me [Note: Blue knows full well that I was no more "in the middle" than he was. I started from the edge, just like him. We both worked our way toward each other--I was just farther advanced than he was.]............... oakcliff: not only did you not mind, but you ENCOURAGED red to attack............... DaDonDave: do you accept red?............... TumChickiTum: so tell me for what fucking reason u flagged 3rd [Note: Not too bright, blue's question here has been asked and answered already.]............... TumChickiTum: ?............... FlopTheNuts: this chat box might be the most words ever said abot a single game............... DaDonDave: knock knock, no answer means no accepting............... oakcliff: so red would know i had REALLY flagged to him............... [Note: Red only helped blue that one time. Blue loses to yellow and me; blue gets 4th. The heavens proclaim the glory.]............... oakcliff: gg all--except blue ++++++++++ TumChickiTum should try to be more honorable. That would help him know the right thing to do even when his lack of intelligence makes it difficult for him to know.
oakcliff on Saturday April 23, 2011 You can't call it a backstab when you do not accept the flag right?
drzedd on Tuesday April 19, 2011 fair player, nice to play with
c_dari on Sunday April 17, 2011 It was nice to see that even though we haven't truced, you still appreciated my help (and not attacking you). Good luck pal.
recooked on Tuesday March 1, 2011 wow there are no positive reviews here .. You must be a poor rejected kid to act out like that here in a simple game.. lol
Pezzcola on Tuesday August 17, 2010 kills out of order
Contador on Saturday August 7, 2010 Does not respect flags. bastard
savrann on Tuesday July 20, 2010 Oh good Tum decided that he needed a permaneant record of my scorn...
this guy loves to early flag and sit and sit having made him/herslef look small and weaselly.
and apparently when he flagged I said but you are in the way... he interpreted this as me accepting his early flag... what an odd concept...
to add to his weaseliness he sat on the sidelines and watch a titanic battle and did not have the honour to realise that his lame early flag entitled him to 4th and not 3rd.
So Tum to sum up you are a weaselly player who puts himself in the power of others and then moans about the consequences...
the best approach is to not early flag and there fore hold onto both your pride and your power of self-determination...
auchnagatt on Friday April 23, 2010 what a fuckhead
luckster on Saturday April 3, 2010 |