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ZockaaaAdd a review about this player
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One thing to everyone who was (or is propably) about to comment a bad review I gave him. That you posted (or wanted to post) it here tells me that I am right (otherwise you would laugh about it or comment it on your own page).
Zockaaa on Wednesday April 13, 2011 pga with ahirawr
evilsamurai on Friday October 1, 2010 pga killeen
Sjoefie on Friday October 1, 2010 Come'on, whats up with the foul language Zockaaa? Anyway, thx for the review. You are not really a real Kdice without one bad(and unfair) review. Happy playing! :)
Pontus Thor on Sunday July 25, 2010 Said he would suck my cock if I didn't cut him. I told him I'm not gay, and that his offer didn't appeal to me. He proceeded to ask everyone else if he could suck their cock. This continued even after the game was over. If you're gay, whatever, I don't have a problem with it, but this guy was over-the-top in his homosexual advances. Get some help buddy!
JoeStalin on Wednesday July 14, 2010 Stupid fuckin cry baby. Didnt mind his own business. Then says i pga cuz i killed his stupid ass
Az_eclipse on Saturday July 10, 2010 you suck
Mike_oxBIG on Friday July 9, 2010 Very rarely will I take a player out just for running his mouth -- I made an exception for this nasty piece of work. It's not such a good idea to insult someone who respects your very weak vflag.
NoSpuhforyou on Thursday July 8, 2010 PGA with Elona and Ahiraw
Die Waldfee on Sunday July 4, 2010 He likes to post pga when he feels wronged, however he is dishonest and backstabs ppl he flags to
Dispayter on Wednesday June 30, 2010 |