Level 27
to level 28


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Games PPG Kills Dom Att:Def Luck 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
250 Daily
2011-08-02 00:00:00.0
10th 0◆ 3 -50 1 19 % 53 : 47 46.2 % 0% 0% 33% 33% 33% 0% 0%
Penultimate Freeroll
2011-07-31 00:00:00.0
28th 0◆ 4 -38 0 14 % 44 : 56 43.8 % 0% 0% 25% 50% 0% 0% 25%
Mini Freeroll 1
2010-06-05 00:00:00.0
11th 0◆ 4 -38 2 51 % 56 : 44 51.3 % 25% 0% 25% 0% 0% 50% 0%
Final 1K
2010-05-31 00:00:00.0
24th 0◆ 3 -50 0 14 % 44 : 56 46.7 % 0% 0% 33% 33% 33% 0% 0%

Career Performance


Month Rank Score Games PPG Kills Dom Att:Def Luck 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
February 2015 964th 587◆ 19 7 8 33 % 53 : 47 42.9 % 21% 21% 5% 10% 15% 15% 10%
August 2011 2184th 272◆ 118 2 23 35 % 53 : 47 49.3 % 15% 21% 13% 7% 7% 10% 24%
July 2011 3490th 120◆ 197 -1 38 36 % 54 : 46 49.2 % 19% 10% 13% 8% 10% 15% 22%
June 2011 4203rd 40◆ 2 -5 0 25 % 59 : 41 47.7 % 0% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% 50%
May 2011 4523rd 39◆ 48 -1 6 31 % 52 : 48 48.3 % 14% 6% 12% 10% 22% 8% 25%
April 2011 544th 2514◆ 262 8 51 32 % 54 : 46 48.9 % 16% 12% 10% 11% 14% 13% 20%
March 2011 4395th 50◆ 16 -4 7 27 % 53 : 47 46.6 % 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% 25%
February 2011 2414th 362◆ 11 33 3 45 % 50 : 50 50.5 % 27% 9% 27% 9% 9% 0% 18%
January 2011 2541st 369◆ 120 2 23 32 % 54 : 46 48.9 % 18% 14% 9% 16% 10% 10% 20%
December 2010 3588th 164◆ 150 1 36 32 % 53 : 47 48.2 % 16% 14% 15% 10% 9% 15% 18%
November 2010 1632nd 639◆ 78 1 12 31 % 55 : 45 48.2 % 6% 15% 17% 15% 7% 15% 21%
October 2010 2223rd 434◆ 81 5 13 34 % 54 : 46 50.0 % 14% 13% 8% 14% 22% 11% 14%
September 2010 2037th 444◆ 51 8 16 33 % 53 : 47 49.0 % 13% 17% 31% 7% 3% 5% 19%
August 2010 978th 1538◆ 92 7 18 32 % 54 : 46 48.0 % 15% 15% 7% 13% 9% 13% 26%
July 2010 4760th 40◆ 42 -18 2 30 % 53 : 47 48.9 % 4% 14% 9% 4% 9% 16% 40%
June 2010 1724th 604◆ 169 1 34 31 % 52 : 48 49.1 % 12% 13% 10% 12% 16% 16% 18%
May 2010 1196th 1274◆ 176 7 34 31 % 53 : 47 48.6 % 11% 12% 15% 13% 9% 15% 21%
April 2010 3329th 233◆ 255 -5 33 29 % 52 : 48 48.9 % 9% 12% 12% 12% 15% 15% 23%
March 2010 7085th 0◆ 104 -12 15 29 % 51 : 49 50.0 % 8% 7% 12% 14% 7% 14% 34%
April 2009 6594th 0◆ 2 -35 0 13 % 0 : 100 50.6 % 0% 0% 0% 0% 50% 0% 50%
XSketch - Pictionary Online
XSketch is a multiplayer word sketch game played in monthly competitions. It's like Pictionary. You sketch a picture with the goal of having other players guess your word and vice versa.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary