Level 46
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trujAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. PGA with vitarezoff.
CammellRoeg on Monday January 16, 2012 fair player. flagged out when another player tried to save him and kill me.
curtvonsis on Wednesday January 11, 2012 A real sweetheart,sensitive yet firm in his beliefs.If you treat him right he will treat you
unfairly,Sractch his back and he will scalp you
Somewhat of a free spirit a real pleasure to play and to play with
Molduz on Friday January 6, 2012 PGA: EsaNahka + Bart Lee + truj = PGA. PGA: truj + Bart Lee + punkpunk. No flag respect PGA.
fvtmamjq on Tuesday October 18, 2011 ignores flags
but =sucks cock like its going out of style. dont ask about his wife
very sebsative
timquick on Monday October 17, 2011 Review redacted.
Impeach_bush on Monday October 17, 2011 Good player
Zuma on Wednesday July 6, 2011 nice.. NOT NICE... player :D
porscheturbo911 on Friday June 3, 2011 does not respect to flag. very very bad player can't fight!
abstrakt on Sunday May 22, 2011 bad player, not nice to play with
parsifal on Sunday May 15, 2011 |