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doesn't respect flags
player00 on Tuesday March 23, 2010
muahahahah in your face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jaaj on Tuesday March 23, 2010
ill join the others and share my opinion. DO NOT TRUST THIS GUY. He flags to you and the next round he begins attacking you. KILL ON SIGHT. At best, kill in round 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loser_krez on Thursday February 25, 2010
he's a pure faggot mixed in fagtastic vaginal cream. but he's kinda funny.
Ampyxx on Friday February 5, 2010
2- If you change your mind after offering something... at least you might let the other guys know, because any action without talking make you even a worse traitor. --------------------------------------------1- Dont trust this guy´s word. He offered a counter against people flagging in 3rd round and later on kick his partner's asses before the others. Cool. I should have read your reviews before trusting you.
Srendidor on Wednesday January 13, 2010
a baby, quick to insult and curse... probably a geek without a life and has never kissed a girl
Naughtarius on Saturday December 19, 2009
doesn´t respect flags, probably PGA.
OviloN on Sunday December 13, 2009
Had a good game with him - good fight and then admitted defeat with good grace.
calls calls on Wednesday November 25, 2009
Doesn't respect flags.
binarybits on Sunday November 22, 2009
FUCKER doesnt respect flags
cohrs on Sunday November 22, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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